Pedicon 2024


Association History

Goa Association of Pediatrician was started in 1988.

1. The Association is started with the aim of bringing all the Pediatricians (in private and Govt. Sector.) under one roof for better interaction with each other, exchange of new ideas, disseminate information, to hold C.M.E.s (Continuous Medical Education) and to hold conferences, to update knowledge of recent development in the field of Pediatrics.2. To organize Community Health Programmes through GAP especially for Angadwadi, balwadi, underprivileged children, HIV positive children and orphans as a social service.

3. To formulate certain guidelines for government if asked for - like Maternity leave for 6 months, No advertisements of Tin milk or baby foods, etc. as an association it would carry better weightage than as a single person.

4. To establish a bureau for the study and collection of data statistics and information in respect to pediatrics or connected subjects/topics.

5. To promote dissemination of knowledge and information and to educate people and create positive public opinion in such programs on a scientific basis.

6. To arrange for the holding of periodic conferences and seminars on various subjects connected with these objects.

7. To own, purchase, construct, take on lease or by way of leave and licence or otherwise acquire any land, building or any other immovable assets of any tenure on such terms and conditions as the Society may think fir for the furtherance of the object of the Society and to manage administer the same.

8. To co-operate with other agencies both governmental and non-government in organization and administration of schemes and funds for furtherance of the objectives of society.

9. To enter into agreements with other organizations for their affiliation to or amalgamation with the society or to affiliate with other organizations with similar objects.

10. To have a library of reference books.